

Bring more fish to your table!!

記事 Bring more fish to your table!!のアイキャッチ画像

Exhibitor: Association for Nurturing the Blue Earth

URL: 【素材配布中】みんなでお魚をいただきましょう~さかなクンからのメッセージ~ – 一般社団法人SD BlueEarth・青い地球を育む会 (sdbe.or.jp)


[Syokushin’s thoughts]
Bring more fish to your table! !
Consumers are not being told the true deliciousness of seafood, including shellfish, simply because retail stores do not have a wide selection of products.
If you feed your child some really delicious fish, they’ll probably love it too.


Syokushin Co., Ltd. Marketing Department
Although it is a small effort, we at Syokushin Co., Ltd. will continue to make efforts to popularize fish eating.